Graphic Design







Thumbnail of Naked Juice ad Thumbnail of Architectural Career Fair poster Thumbnail of Birds of a Feather book cover Thumbnail of Hugo Boss ad Thumbnail of Denver Zoo poster

click on thumbnail to see project



Ads for Naked Juice

A personal project conveying the purity of Naked Juice. (back to top)






Architectural Career Fair Poster and Postcard

These 11x17 posters were placed throughout the campus and the postcards were handed out to inform students about the Career Fair. I photographed the vellum in addition to creating the design for this piece. (back to top)






Birds of a Feather Book Cover

Birds of a Feather Book Cover

A whimisical book cover created for a student project. (back to top)






Hugo Boss Competition

The ad needed to incorporate the theme of travel and feature the Hugo cologne bottle. (back to top)






Denver Zoo Poster

Denver Zoo Poster

This poster was created for a student project and is intended to excite the interest of children. It conveys that animals at the zoo are more unique and different than pets at home or encountered on a daily basis (i.e.- a goldfish). (back to top)